Undying Lands to heal with Bilbo, and Gandalf leaving Merry, Pippin, and Sam.
In the final, and second LOTR we see bravery and persistence shin through. Sam is by far the most brave of them all. He may not seem like the bravest person, especially in the first, but if you take into account the whole journey, it makes since. It's obvious that Frodo would be no-where without Sam, and he could of never properly destroyed the ring without the success of his helpful hobbit friend. They all have their brave moments, and for most of them it is expected to be brave such as Aragon, Gimli, Legolas, and Gandalf, but one viewing braving from the hobbits perspective Sam is by far the bravest and definitely lives up to his name, Samwise the Brave.

All together Lord of the Rings has a happy ending, the bad guys are victorious, and those who thought they had lost their love gained it back. Sam married the woman who he constantly eyes at the pub, so when Frodo left it was hard and painful, but he still had people there for him. Éowyn whom had become helplessly in love with Aragon, felt broken, but with Faramir she found new love. Aragon becomes king of Gondor and is reunited with his love Arwen.
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