Both movies are about the unknown, the possibility that there is other life inhabiting Earth, rather than just humans. Close Encounters is about believing that their is other life, and Invasion of the Body Snatchers is actually about seeing the other life forms, but in the form of larvae. Body Snatchers is a fast-paced film that quickly escalates with the rising population of aliens that have invaded humans, the only difference is the invaders can feel no emotion. Close Encounters is more slow paced, which is always expected when viewing something from the genius Spielberg, it takes you through the emotional journey that is associated in coming in close contact with these supernatural being, if they don't abduct you, they will abduct your thoughts.
The video cover of Close Encounters of the Third Kind | |
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In Invasion of the Body Snatchers the aliens are sneakily trying to infiltrate the members of the human race in the big city, of San Francisco. They do this by making identical features of that person, only lacking finger prints. The supernatural beings, place these eggs or larvae in hidden places, they then hatch and an exact copy of a person is made. These invaded bodies have everything just as the person, but lacks emotional feeling like love, happiness, sadness, and even hunger.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1956s movie cover |
Close Encounters of the Third Kind the leading character Roy, has seen the spaceship of the third kind, after a single mother's child Barry was abducted. Roy and the mother, Jillian have both been plagued by the aliens making them almost insane, where the only think they breath is that of the third kind. Although, the end is long waited it truly is a sight to see, the giant mother-ship opens the doors and standing there are grey skinned, naked aliens with no hair that choose Roy and some volunteers to journey with them.